Spreading the Word. Serving the Word. Seeking the Word. Celebrating the Word.
The Redemptorist Missionary – “Strong in faith, rejoicing in hope, burning with charity, on fire with zeal, in humility of heart and persevering in prayer, Redemptorists as apostolic men and genuine disciples of St. Alphonsus follow Christ the Redeemer with hearts full of joy; denying themselves and always ready to undertake what is demanding, they share in the mystery of Christ and proclaim it in Gospel simplicity of life and language, that they may bring people plentiful redemption.”
Do you feel the desire to serve the most abandoned, especially the poor? If so, consider The Redemptorists in your discernment journey.
In this first state, Vocation Directors help a candidate discern his vocation to religious life. Together, the candidate and the Vocation Directors discern whether the candidate is being called to the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.
The formation directors help a candidate come to a fuller knowledge of himself. As they dialogue together, the candidate grows in his human, spiritual, community, pastoral, and academic understanding of himself and through that lens he is better able to see if the Redemptorist vocation is for him. This is a two-year program that takes place in the Bronx, NY. Candidates live with the Redemptorist community of Immaculate Conception Church and do their studies at St. John University. The program, under the direction of formation directors, provides an environment for students to discern their call to religious life, with an emphasis placed on the charism and mission of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer. They begin the necessary adjustment from life in the world to life as a Redemptorist student.
The novice directors help the novice grow in deepening his relationship with Christ the Redeemer. He is introduced more fully into Alphonsian spirituality as he grows in his own spiritual development. The novitiate is for one year and takes place in Mexico City, Mexico. Overall, the life of a novice is relatively quiet. Free from the rigors of academic studies and from many of the distractions of the outside world, the novice can focus more fully on his inner spiritual life.
The newly professed student takes his first vows and continues to grow in his knowledge and love of himself and his vocation as he deepens his relationship with Jesus by identifying himself with the mission of the Redeemer. His formation directors help the professed student to a deeper commitment of Jesus’ mission in his love for his neighbor, especially the poor and abandoned. The professed Redemptorist will attend the Oblate School of Theology in San Antonio, Texas. As he continues his academic studies, he will experience pastoral ministry on a yearly basis and undertake an apostolic experience outside his home country and in a Redemptorist setting. With the grace of God and his free commitment he will then profess Perpetual Vows after completing three years of temporary vows and so enter full membership into the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer.
Those members pursuing priesthood will complete their Master of Divinity degree and prepare themselves under the direction of their formators for Ordination to the Diaconate and Priesthood.
Completion of these initial stages does not mark the end of formation. Indeed, continuing education and formation remains ever important and vital. It is always necessary for Redemptorists to grow deeper in their spiritual life and so bear greater witness to the people of God by their preaching and the example of their life.
Provident God, you spoke your dream of plentiful redemption in Jesus Christ. Your Spirit ignited the heart of Saint Alphonsus, inspiring him to found a family in the Church dedicated to proclaiming the good news of plentiful redemption to the most abandoned.
Raise up among us strong men and women of faith, afire with love for You and zeal for the mission of proclaiming Your word among those who do not know You, or who need to hear Your word proclaimed anew.
Guide men to respond with generosity as vowed Redemptorist priests and brothers, and women and men to serve in joy and hope as partners in the Redemptorist mission.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, your Word, who is our life.
The Redemptorists offer two weekend programs to assist your discernment and understanding of religious life. Come and Pray and Come and See are scheduled for the spring and fall of each year.
The next event will be February 2-24, 2024, at Ephrata, Pennsylvania.
The weekends are structured to allow you quiet time for private prayers and reflection. We gather for common morning and evening prayer, for the celebration of the Mass, and in adoration before the Most Blessed Sacrament. Social time is also included as part of the weekend experience. Both programs offer you knowledge of Redemptorist history and traditions, and of the great love and devotion to the Blessed Mother, especially under her title Our Mother of Perpetual Help.