Welcome to “PIM”, the acronym for “Partners in Mission,” the important effort of our Redemptorist Baltimore Province, along with the Redemptorist units throughout the world, of engaging lay women and men in both our spirituality and mission. Creating “Circles of Associates,” we Redemptorists delight in regular gatherings on the local level to reflect together with lay partners the richness of our great spiritual tradition, founded on the tripod of Crib, Cross, Sacrament and Mary, as well as the lives of their Founder, Alfonso de Liguori, and other Saints and “Blesseds.” Associates then integrate our Redemptorist spirituality into their various ministries and often engage together in new ministry initiatives. These regular gatherings now follow a formal process of formation, so that after a period, that can last a few years, women and men are invited to take year-long promises to God of love and service, steeped in our Tradition of prayer and mission. Through PIM, the Redemptorists rejoice in expanding their religious family in ever-widening circles.
In addition, some who identify as part of the larger Redemptorist Family, will feel the call to engage in ministry in a more direct manner with the Redemptorists, and can enter the journey of becoming a “Redemptorist Lay Missionary.” These women and men minister side-by-side with Redemptorists on preaching teams, in youth ministry, in retreat and renewal center ministry, as well as in parish ministry. Their mission will sometimes include travelling with Redemptorists and residing at Redemptorist Community Houses. Depending on the regularity of the ministry and circumstances, some Redemptorist Lay Missionaries are provided a regular stipend and benefits.
Whether an Associate or Lay Missionary, members of PIM honor perpetually professed Redemptorists with their enthusiasm and dedication to ever-deepening spirituality and dedicated missionary zeal. They challenge young and older Redemptorists to live the vision of Vatican Council II to ever deepen our faith in our shared identity, flowing from our baptismal call, to be God’s Living Church, professed laity and vowed religious together.
Those who are not physically within or near a Redemptorist foundation, such as a Parish or Retreat Center, can still be a “Partner in Ministry” by joining a “PIM Circle” through the internet. Technology has made it possible for even PIM Circles to regularly gather even where Redemptorists are no longer physically ministering (such as the PIM Circle in Bethpage, Long Island, the former Redemptorist St. Martin of Tours Parish).
Along with Canada, Denver, Mexico, and the Vietnamese “ex-patriam” Province, we of the Baltimore Province form the North American Conference. PIM is an essential component of the Conference and has a gracious Director in Anne Walsh of Canada. Wendy Barnes and Fr. Francis Gargani, C.Ss.R., are the PIM coordinators for the Conference and Fr. Francis and Lucy McNamara are the co-coordinators for our Baltimore Province.
Contact Fr. Francis Gargani or Lucy McNamara below for more information as well as visit the North American Conference PIM webpage and Facebook page.